Dancing Angels - Gästebuch
I saw very happy poor people in India and they were really fun to talk to. In comparison the “rich successful people” that everyone shows off to you about are quite dull!
Serviettene og mugtail koppen er herlig, veldig koselig nå i påskehøytiden :) Her har vi spist lammestek, herlig :) Nyt resten av påskeferien :) Små hus i ask er nydelige :) Klem Mari
The WWII as the last moment of untainted glory for the Anglo-sphere countries and Russia, it's used by the jewmedia to bash Continental Europe.People everywhere who can think for themselves are already conscious that the "West" is finished in the coming decades.The pride of have won WWII and defeated Fascism is the religion of multiculturalists in Britain, US, Canada and so on.
I love quilting and I wish I had more time, hope to have that time when I retire. I love exploring though the magazines if it is looking for a pattern or just thumbing though very enjoyable.
I love watching you jerkin it out!You look stunning in red jerkin. what a great deal.photo collage is so cool. love photo of u showing us ur hot abs.I know I was going to do eyeshadow tut today but the lighting is horrible, lots of fog on my side.luv ya
BJ / “there is no officially known reason as to why the priesthood was withheld from blacks”But this is absolutely correct. I don’t understand your point. Are you meaning that the real reason was adoption of the cultural norms of the 1800′s and that they should state that overtly?
I think the privilege critique is overused and misapplied, it’s bound to be most useful concepts are.I think it’s better used as a consciousness raising tool than a slap down, which I can’t stand, this “check your privilege’ is unecessary and counter productive at times.However, that victim list is a trip and actually might undermine my sentiment somewhat. It illustrates exactly why people lose patience.What it shows above all, is not how ‘victims’ behave, but the mentality of people like Doug S.For that reason it could be a useful learning tool.
Our lives are like books. Or at least I like thinking that way.My quote of the day is:“do you want to be right or do you want to be free?”-danielle laportegranola looks delicious, thank you for sharing it!
Both your gardens have so many blooms. I find it interesting that you have some weather temperature swings just as we currently do. I like all the color you have in the garden.
"In the pages of Mein Kampf."I don't think you will find anything in Mein Kampf about turning Slavs into Slaves. My impression is that Hitler's views concerning the Slavs have been misrepresented by the Jewish narrative.
Synes du gjør en vanvittig god jobb i denne pikante datalagringsdebatten, Jon! Det er en sann glede å følge deg i avisene, på twitter, og i din egen blogg!Kommer du på den planlagte demonstrasjonen foran Stortinget i begynnelsen av april?
Ar trebui pe ei sa-i vedem pe la tv.nu pe toti aurolacii gen Tufar si altii de teapa ei,dar am uitat,ei nu fac audienta,rating,deci nu au loc la tv,cinste lor si profesorilor lor,succes pe viitor.
Geoffrey Willis Author | Snoopy, funny thing is that when Bush was in power there was no “awaiting the outcome” of anything – it was shoot first and investigate later. Very ironic how these “pensive pauses” just happen to come from the left media at times that particularly suit Obama. I am sure that is just a coincidence.
J’ai adoré le pilot de Once upon a time. Je n’en attendais rien, c’était pour moi une série allant droit àl’annulation. Et quelle claque ! Le conte de fées se mélange bien avec le monde réel et j’aime l’idée de cette double réalité avec de nombreux clins d’oeil au conte de fées. La série sait jouer avec le public. Et le casting est très réussi. J’en suis surpris d’aimer Jennifer Morrison. Grimm, je n’ai pas du tout tenté, la bande annonce ne m’a pas fait vibrer. Ta petite review me donne quand même envie d’y jeter un coup d’oeil.
Hallo Herr Hundt, habe bereits Heute Per Fax die Abrechbubgen erhalten. Ein Posten macht sich stutzig: es wurde eine Birke gefällt, die “tot” war und Gefahr durch immer wieder herunterfallende Äste (z.T. genau in unseren Garten) bestand. Der Vermieter hat daraufhin die Birke entfernen lassen.In der Rechnung steht natürlich nur etwas von “1 große doppelstämmige Birke abgetragen und gefällt…. etc….”.Ist es rechtens, ein solches Baumfaellen umzulegen?Viele Grüsse!
ostras… ahora van a tener que tirar los lectores de discos de 3.5 ” con lo poco que hacia que habian tirado los de 5,25… hay que ver lo que cuesta estar al dÃÂa eh…
Such a cute bear! I love the photos that you took. I like how you also included God and light into your post. All to often when something like this happens people turn away. Even though I have been mad at God for putting me on this path, he has also put a lot of light in my life in a way I would have never expected. Thank you for sharing the verses about light as well. They are very helpful.
“Taxi” va ser el meu preferit la nit que vam sopar i vam gaudir dels darrers tasts del menú d’estiu, encara amb gaspatxo de sÃÂndria o hummus amb bacallàesqueixat… Gràcies a l’Àngela i a la seva filla per haver aconseguit fer-nos passar una nit tan especial, única, original i… hhmmmm… deliciosa!
Those boots are amazing - what a great score!Love those lacy tights too - awesome idea sewing up the ends, I have a pair of leggings I'm not really into, but if they were stockings I would wear them. I think I'm going to try your idea:)